Trying to stay positive during this shelter at home can be a total “bummer.” I can not help but feel like I need something.
Then when friends have birthdays and you miss that special time with your tribe, it adds to the disappointment or anxiousness. Well, I love to host so thought time to think outside the box since we cannot leave outside the house.
Host an 80’s zoom
workout class!
I have a friend who is a personal trainer. I called her up and asked if she could guide us through a workout (a regular one hour class)- 80’s style.
And “omygod” it was rad!
We agreed on a time. The trainer scheduled the zoom meeting and sent us the id and password. I asked her if she could played 80’s music. Not only did she, the trainer came dressed to impressed- rocking the Madonna gloves, Madonna skirt and Madonna energy! All my friends came on and one by one- they were rocking the side ponytail and whatever they could find around the house looking like “girls that just want to have fun.”
Some details…
- You do not need a trainer; you can use one of the many online classes.
- Do a fun text invite. Make it thematic.
- Encourage everyone to dress up. (Trust me- this detail made it more fun and we need this).
- Make time for after the workout to chat and catch up.
A tip…
Use what you have! You can make an 80’s accessory out of anything. Don’t have the Madonna iconic gloves? Do you have dish gloves? Cut the fingers off! Voila!
We celebrated our sweet friends that had birthdays with laughter and memories that we will surely remember!
Sweet friends, take the time to do something for you. Take the time to connect to your tribe. It is important.